In the early 1990s ,The Yupiteru MVT-7000 multiband scanner had an almost cult following amongst Aircraft Enthusiasts and Marine Band Listeners, especially with hobbyists based in the Netherlands.
From memory, I think some parts of Europe received the MVT-7000 many months before the UK versions with UK 240 volts AC mains charger plug started appearing into the magazines and shops over here.
This radio was very popular with Ship enthusiasts in the area of Rotterdam port and Aircraft spotters at Amsterdam Schipol Airport.
So much so It seemed it was the de facto standard for the Dutch spotter.
The benchmark… Just about everything else handheld out there in the 1990s marketplace wasnt as good as the “MVT-7K”. It was very affordable and it covered just about every frequency needed with no gaps, Battery life was excellent and the audio was full , rounded & robust , very handy indeed if you are out “in the field” which was a welcome change from the very tinny “raspy ass” sounding portable offerings from realistic and bearcat.
The MVT-7000 was to be a game changing product for Yupiteru (Jupiter).
There were not so many sold in the UK unlike their next model, the MVT-7100 which sold in droves worldwide. Savvy 7000 owners kept their older models, some airfield spotters bought the newer MVT-7100 and were not exactly head over heels in love with it . Out in the field at the side of a runway,or in the immediate vicinity of an airfield the older 7000 seemed to be better than the 7100.
The 7100 was very very good but not as sensitive as the 7000 on am airband.
The 7000 did not have great RF shielding, and it was prone to overloading when coupled up to a high gain base antenna such was the combination of signal gain (inside the radio) and sensitivity. It will sniff out anything, including unwanted interference from mains wiring,noisy routers etc. The 7k can be a difficult radio to tame indoors with high gain base station antennas such as a co-linear, j-pole or similar. The 7100 performed much better on a base antenna,it had slightly lower gain and it had filtering for unwanted noise, but the “71” was not as sensitive to weak signals in the VHF and UHF bands..horses for courses I suppose.
Yupiteru had made earlier scanners such as the MVT-3000 and MVT-5000 handhelds, they had an excellent reputation for audio quality and this continued with the MVT-7000 which gave the user 200 channels , 20 in 10 banks. This in combination with the excellent ergonomics made the MVT-7000 very easy to change program or alter almost any setting “on the fly” with the minimum of fuss. The MVT-7000 was so well thought out and laid out. It seemed as though Yupiterus engineers had done their homework, and some !
It seemed like the boffins at Yupiteru had taken on board the short comings of just about every other scanner on the market and decided to eradicate all the annoying problems of multiple button presses to do simple things and the issue of badly placed controls which was very common in portable units of the day.
Good button placement sounds very easy, but it is not, most definitely not… The Yupi designers must have locked themselves in a room with an older mvt-5000 and all, and I mean all.. their competitors models..they must have stayed there undisturbed and tweaked and changed everything until they were happy.
In one hit they managed to create a handheld scanner that blew the rest out of the water including some more expensive offerings like the Icom R1 (terrible radio btw..sorry Icom !)
Looking at the MVT-7000 radio now, it seems dated but the layout and ease of use is so refreshing and would put many modern radios to shame .
The sensitivity and audio quality is as good as anything hand held you can buy today, In fact , a lot better in most cases I would wager !
I purchased this non working/faulty “mvt7k” for old times sake I suppose, I repaired one for a fellow spotter once but I never actually owned one, so good back in the day I thought if the radio was complete (and it turned out it was), a repair should be attempted if only to gain further knowledge.
On receipt the radio powered up and display showed but it was very feint, there was no audio at all.
The battery compartment was in a very sorry state due to battery leakage.
Completely at random, the radio would do strange things without my intervention/any button pressing..go into search mode, change bands, change step size. Still no audio at the speaker though but there was some distant crackles of audio at the headphone socket…hmmm very strange.
So , lets open her up and get a look inside and perhaps find out what is going on.
Heres the radio as received, a bit tatty, I wasnt expecting a perfect radio given the price paid.
First we have to remove the plastic knobs and unscrew the 3 brass thread collets holding the pots in place into the chassis. Using a sharp flat screwdriver being careful not to slip and scratch the top of the radio. These can be very tight, if you are joining in with your radio..take your time with this, perhaps use masking tape around the openings for protection against slippage.
When the collets are removed it will look something like this.
I say again, be careful here, the rotary encoder with the slotted brass tip is very fragile. It is held on to the control board with solder only now. When the threaded collet is removed, there is not very much mechanical strength to support the encoder .The rotary encoder has very thin legs,which are easy to bend out of line with its mating hole in the top plate of the casing or worse still they could snap off completely leaving you with the horrible job of reinstating it.
I said the battery compartment was bad… it was this bad !
Note the stress crack to the lower right edge of casing due to over zealous battery insertion by the previous owner..There is another one to the left edge as well..more on that later.
Here is one of the four battery contact plates.
The acid gas from the previous owners batteries had migrated up inside casing, so much so there was evidence of acid deposits on the outside 3 of the 6 casing screws holding the radio together. One at the bottom was particularly bad and difficult to remove. The screws go through holes in the plastic casing and screw into threaded metal tabs inside the chassis for structural strength. The screws have to be the right size, any longer and penetration of other components on the PCBs will occur so getting that bottom one out ,in tact, was important.
With all the screws out and the 3 collets out, and the glued on lamp/keylock/reset/contrast legend plate removed its time to lever away gently at the 2 halves of the casing. I used a cut up sim card as plastic shims to gain access space ..easy does it, there are wiring harnesses inside.
After a while of gentle coaxing, both halves came apart to reveal the electronics.
A closer look around the power pcb revealed a very dry barely there joint at the 3 pin voltage regulator..also a lot of acid deposits on the 16 pin female socket to the left of the regulator.
At the main RF board side (the other half), the 16 pin male header was in bad shape as well.
A combination of the poor solder joint at the regulator and the bad electrical contact at this power control pin header turned out to be the reason for the random misbehaviour of the radio.
A quick dab of solder on the regulator pin and a cleanup of both sides of the 16 way connector with isopropanol cured the faults. To finish off, a touch of servisol switch cleaner was applied to the volume-on-off and squelch potentiometers.
Success ! I had full crackle free audio from the on board speaker and headphone socket.
If you are following along with your MVT-7000, here is a schematic diagram (the schematic copy is in very bad condition..sorry).
I have marked the Toshiba TA78006AP 6volt Regulator IC1 on the power feed board (ident= A), the 16 way pin header female socket (ident= Bf) and its male partner header on the RF board (ident= Bm).
I was not satisfied with the cosmetic condition I decided to go further in to the radio to make some further improvements.
The LCD window was dirty as was the speaker grille so I embarked on removing the control/keypad pcb from the front casing..In hindsight I dont know If I should have been so brave !
Okay so far ! Note the old incandescent lamp tube for night viewing and the side controls/ buttons…
Note that piece of brown foam on the LCD window..Some of the buttons are not sitting correctly. The more I struggled to jiggle the buttons back the more the foam self destructed.
It is horrible , horrible stuff…25 years or so has passed since installation at the factory. The foam was unrecoverable a complete mess, shards of it everywhere.
The foam is stuck to a copper plate, the buttons sit inside the plate nestled by the foam to prevent rattle.
The buttons only fit one way, each one has its own hole.
With a pile of buttons on the bench, it took a while to figure out which one went where. Little bits of foam kept popping up all over the place !
I stripped back the foam and disposed of it, and removed the plate from the keypad pcb board here is the copper button plate with its recesses. Note the corrosion .
I cleaned up as best I could, and here I am holding the plate by a small tang which is soldered on to the keypad pcb ground track, this was a very short piece of copper bent just right to fit around the contours of the casing… well you would think so..hmmmm
Now, with the back half of the casing stripped out and bare, some much needed repairs to those awful stress cracks mentioned in the first part of this post. the casing is very thin and not very strong at the lower part of the case.
Sometimes Loctite and me just dont get on ! It sets damn quick… The most difficult part of this was trying to fill the crack with adhesive and preserving the slide rail arrangement for the battery cover to fit. The crack went straight across this “rail” thingy so the cover didnt slide along it and fit properly. With the assistance of a 10x mangification illuminated sight glass,Much patience and Careful multiple applications of loctite with a cocktail stick and the tip of a dressmakers pin, I eventually sorted things out.
At this point, it looks very untidy but a quick buff with p1000 grit abrasive paper and a bit of artistic flair with a sharpie marker made the fill invisible (from a good distance !). A tiny drop of Greygate plastic polish on a cotton q tip made a nice job of it in the end.
With the LCD window and outer casing cleaned up it was time to re-assemble.
Popping all the buttons back first, (which took a while) you can see the tang to the left with a tiny blob of solder on it.
At this point I will mention the on board speaker, made by Namiki of Japan.
They are a well known miniature speaker manufacturer and they still exist today.
Of all things they specialise in mini equipment for jewellery polishing and cutting, insanely small DC motors.. they still make speakers btw
Yupiteru did not go for a cheap and cheerful speaker, they sourced one from a Japanese specialist company..part of the reason why MVTs sound so good !
Back to the radio, here all the buttons are back and the what turned out to be the “awkward copper tang thingy” arrowed but you will notice a small extension of copper wire added. I did this after 3 failed attempts of soldering it back in place without ,and spilling the buttons all over the bench it was just so fiddly !
A little tack of solder held it in place, too much heat and the extension wire would come back off and I would be back to square one with buttons all over the shop !
Boxing everything together and testing…Lets link up the excellent yupiteru telescopic and see what happens.
Here we try dialing in NATS “London Control” on 132.860mhz for some high level passing traffic transiting my area ..and.. she works !
And it works amazingly well considering its recent open heart surgery !
The audio is lovely, lets give it a try outside with just the OEM telescopic antenna with Liverpool EGGP Approach on 119.850mhz … 4 bars out of 5 on the signal meter from one of our Ryanair 737s..Im very happy.
I managed to resurrect one of the all time great scanner radios of the 1990s.
It is fantastic on airband and would give any handheld radio of today a good run out which considering that this is over 25 years old is some kind of accolade.
Frustrating at times to repair, but well worth it in the end.
The audio is awesome, very strong and very clear. The excellent Namiki speaker must be optimised for voice communications because the big rounded sound defies its small size.
I hope you found this trip back into the 1990s interesting.
Before you contemplate spending a wad of cash on a UBC-125 or similar, think again..Do you really need the hassle of computer programming before you can start listening ?
Yes this unit is quite big, about 3 times the size of a ubc-125xlt..but thorough internal speaker or headphones, you get 10 times the sound quality out.
Do you really need more than 10 banks of 20 channels ?
Perhaps I am being unfair, The Uniden UBC-125 series are excellent little radios, they are relatively inexpensive and pack a lot into a small unit. Owners seem to be very happy with them and its good to see Uniden back in the international market again.
I think the MVT-7000 had the mix just about perfect, the only feature missing was a backlit keypad but the ergonomics were so good chances are you will select and hit the right button for the job without even thinking about it.
This 25+ year old yupi can “kick it” with the best of todays modern airband radios.
Now and again they appear on ebay and most have been very well used so dont expect a mint condition example, chances are it will seen a bit of life. Spare parts are very hard to come by now.
Yupiteru are still around as well, they no longer manufacture radio scanners.
They have their own niche market in the in-car cctv camera and car audio business…Glad to see they are still trading after all this time.
If there was a scanner radio hall of fame, Yupi would be in there.. without a doubt.
A small company ..Coming out from nowhere and taking on the mighty Sony Air 7 and AOR models head on ..and winning hands down.. and by a considerable margin.
By the time 1995 came along, there wasnt a listening magazine or shop on the planet that didnt feature Yupiterus products.
A UK advertisement of the range back in 1993 when the MVT-7100 was lunched.
Pricing in GBP.
“The Worlds Favorite Scanners !”… Not advertising blurb, a statement that was true.
Be sure to check out another ONE OWNER FROM NEW MVT-7000 given a new lease of life ….a 28 year old MVT-7000 in factory new condition but not working due to a very common below.
Hello to my readers from Japan, many of you have contacted me regarding this repair, your feedback and encouragement is much appreciated and I hope that you enjoy the articles. I always like to hear from Japanese avaition radio enthusiasts all of which so far have loved the MVT series radio scanners. They were fantastic machines !
If you are a Yupiteru fan/ owner from Japan consider writing to me using the comments box below and perhaps send some photos,advertising from your country, repairs you have completed or provide some further history regarding the Yupiteru company. Many Thanks.
Hi just read yr article on the mvt7000 just wondering i hv a vt125ii and need a replacement speaker can u advise where i wud obtain from mny thks Ken
Hi Ken,
I see you are based here in the UK.
Firstly, I would check the solder joints at the reverse of the 2 pin header and the speaker itself as these were known to be troublesome.
A Namiki speaker is also used in the VT-125 mk2. Unfortunately this loudspeaker is no longer available but you could try a few inexpensive alternatives. You need precise dimensions of the original and try to match.
I have posted a few links below for possible fit. click loudspeakers section in left menu then select miniature speakers section link here, Bowood Miniature Speakers
Unfortunaltely there are no photos specs.
Alternatively you could try CPC, see Monacor speaker catalogue number LS00533. Lots of other possible alternatives from this company so search their massive online catalogue here CPC Miniature Speakers
The most important dimension would be depth as the main pcb will not fit back into housing if too deep.
You could also try intercom/door phone spares such as Fermax, their speakers are around the right size and tailored for voice communications.
I hope this helps you bring your VT-125 mk2 back to life.
Thanks for your visit.
Hi there I have just replaced the memory back up capacitor in my 7100 I own two radios the mvt 3300eu and the old faithful mvt7100 both knock the pants off current available scanner receivers on the current market. Nice repair by the way.
Hi Pete,
Swapping out the “super capacitor” isnt too difficult and it restores another legend scanner to its former glory. The 7100 is a lovely machine, better enclosure/housing on that one but same strip down procedure as 7000 shown here. Thanks for writing in.
You have spurred me on to dig out my 7K and start playing again. Thank you.
I was very happy with it and I guess I lost interest a bit due to 8.33 coming in and digitalisation!Thanks again
Hi J,
There weren’t many MVT-7000 sold into the UK market. Very soon after it was launched in the United Kingdom and Ireland (nearly 18 months after it was launched in Japan and Continental Europe) the MVT-7100 came out and dealers who had committed to stocking the MVT-7000 weren’t happy. The 2 models ran side by side in the UK market with just £20 UKP difference between the two. (See advert above)
The MVT-7000 was one of scannings all time greats but it got into the UK marketplace far too late.
You wont miss much of the airband with all this 8.33 change as you have 5 step on the MVT7K which will resolve all current channels.
Have fun playing around with this awesome machine,a country mile ahead of the AOR/Fairmate/Black Jaguar & Realistic handhelds of the era and still very usable today. Its 25 Years old technology now but you have to occasionally stand back and recall just how advanced this machine was at the time. A game changer.
Thanks for your visit.
My yupiteru 7100 cracles evey time there is a conversation with atc which is impossible to understansdw when you do HEAR VOIIVES THEY ARE VERYFAINT I TNINK THE UNIT SI FAULYS AMD WAS WONDERING IF YOU DO REPAIRST-
Hi and thanks for your interest in my blog page.
Sounds like your mvt-7100 isnt behaving right.
These are getting old now mostly damage can be caused due to acid deposits from leaky batteries left in the unit.
This can cause pcb component/wiring short circuits.
I dont take on repairs for others Im afraid due to work commitments but I can recommend someone who does.
I see that you are in the UK.
Graham (aka Radiocruncher) in Devon, England,UK will tackle just about any scanner repair.
You can establish contact from his webpage
He has an excellent youtube channel of the same name “Radiocruncher”.
I hope this helps you.
The 7100 is a very fine radio and it is certainly worth the cost of sending it in the post for Graham to have a look at.
You never know it could be a really quick, cheap and easy fix.
I hope this is of some use to you.
Thanks once again for dropping by.
Nice artice on your repair of the MVT7000! I have just dug out my 7K which I bought as new back in 1992! It has had a hard life and the lower casing around the battery compartment is broken (you are right about how thin the plastic is there!). It was working OK but now it only receives on WFM, nothing on NFM or AM. I am a TV/audio repair engineer so would like to take a look at it.
Do you have any idea where I can find a schematic diagram?
Hi Will, Wow another classic mvt-7000 awakened from its hibernation ! And best of all its working… You can get the schematic from the link below, its not good quality Im afraid.
Yupiteru Manuals and Schematics
A bit of a heads up, sometimes these little things of getting the unit into a different receive mode can be challenging.
The Japanese called this “wave mode” in the manual.
I have had same (stuck in WFM) with a few units now.
Before you strip it down, try every button combo there is, chances are you will get the unit into the correct mode.. usually by accident I might add.
Its not a fault as such, just the way the “function” button “has its moments” if you will.
Be sure to try function button until “Func” shows in the right hand upper section of LCD display and rotate the encoder, sometimes this works believe it or not.
Frustrating but I am confident you will get there in the end without gaining entry to the innards.
Remember try everything button pressing wise before going in there full on with a screwdriver.
Changing “Step” has same issue sometimes on these models but persevere and use encoder/step button as well.
Thanks for your interest in my blog.
Hi there.
Many thanks for your reply and sorry for my slow response. Thanks also for the link to the schematic and for your tips. My apologies, I should have explained that the radio was actually showing the selected modes on the display (AM, NFM) but simply wasn’t receiving anything when those modes were selected. I did try many combinations of button presses and using the encoder with no success, but when I selected 6MHz AM and had a tune around, bingo! I could hear some shortwave broadcast stations. Then, when I went back up to some known busy VHF frequencies, the old 7K had come back to life!
As you had suggested, I guess the processor had sort of “glitched” (like they do sometimes). Strange though, as the rechargeable batteries were completely dead, and I mean low enough for the 7K to “reboot” back to 144MHz with all memories cleared, which you might expect would have cleared the glitch too. Oh well, I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth as they say. Just glad it’s working again without having to open it up, which I wasn’t looking forward too if I’m honest lol. Anyway, many thanks again for your pointers and all the best!! 🙂
Hi I missed a 7110 today on ebay and decided to see what other options there was .
Saw the model you are talking on Ebay about if this would still pick up civil and Military aircraft today would it be a good replacement for the one I missed?!
Or do I hold off until i see another 7110 with all the accessories ?
Please let me know you views on this matter!
Thank You
Tee and Loz
Hi there,
A Yupiteru MVT-7000 Will indeed cover Civil and Military Airband. Some say the 7000 is marginally better/more sensitive than the MVT-7100 on AM VHF/UHF airbands !
One month ago i get a yupiteru mvt 7000 for free.!
It was not used for several years, but outside in a good condition.
Because of your enthusiastic comments over the 7000, and with the great pictures you have posted,
i was been able to bring it back to life.
I put in a new gold cap, took out the pieces of foam.
Did a cleaning in- and outside, and brought it back to life.!
Cleaned the display ”glass” with some tooth paste, en it is working great now.
Thanks again.
and best regards from The Netherlands.
Hi John, Glad you found the pages on my blog useful and you managed to rescue another MVT-7000 scanner and bring it back into use.
From memory I recall that this radio was very popular particularly in the Netherlands. There was a well established Yupiteru distributor based somewhere around Utrecht area, they were probably one of the first to receive stock of each model outside Japan and they supplied clients all over Europe. MVT-5000 and MVT-7000 Very popular with ship spotters at Rotterdam. The UK were a bit late to the Yupiteru party so to speak. Best Wishes John, Mike.
I wonder if you can help me. I own a Yupiteru MVT-7100.
The problem is I have no audio except a very quiet hiss even with the squelch turned fully down & the volume on max. Scanning seems slow but every other function seems ok & even the key beeps sounds normal. I’ve tried the reset button & also tried new batteries & checked the power adapter & all this is ok.
Kind regards,
Chris (Cardiff)
Hello Chris,
I think you may need to get help from a specialist who can trace the audio from the amplifier IC to the speaker.
I can suggest Graham at Radiocruncher
There is another repairer with a very good reputation in the radio community, James M1APC in Cornwall, he has a facebook page with contact details
Hi there
Thanks a lot for this very interesting website. I bought a MVT-7000 from six month ago and fortunately it is in very good condition. Apart from the rotary encoder, which does not seem to work, everything works fine and I consider it a very useful receiver for DXing on shortwave and VHF.
Unfortunately the selectivity on WFM was very poor so I decided to open the device and fix that. I don’t think I would have been able to do this without your detailed description, as it is not very obvious how to do that exactly. I found it quite difficult indeed, but eventually I managed it.
There is only one ceramic filter on the 10.7 MHz intermediate frequency and in my opinion it is a bad one. So I removed it and used a 56 kHz wide filter instead. Since then, FM reception is much better, except that strong signals from neighbouring transmitters caused a lot of interference.
I have described this modification on my website (in German) and also added a few pictures which may be of interest to you:
Apart from FM reception I was quite impressed how good this receiver works on shortwave. According to the manual, the frequency range is guaranteed from 8 MHz upwards but it is even possible to receive stations down to 4 MHz. I have documented this and other experiences on this page (also in German):
I am very satisfied with this receiver. It’s small but very powerful and perfect for packing in the suitcase and doing some DX on holiday.
Best regards from Switzerland
Hi Adrian,
Thank You for your comments.
The modification to the FM filter is a good choice.
I did explore the MVT-7000 on HF a few years back and the reception was surprisingly good for AM broadcast stations during night hours.
Thanks for taking the trouble to write in and provide links to your website which others will find useful.