Welcome to my aviation blog site.
My name is Mike I live in the North West of the UK.
I started out with contrail spotting around 5 years ago after seeing many of the awesome photographs produced by spotters from the UK and Europe.
It was a huge learning curve.There are quite a number of aviation enthusiasts who take part in this hobby. Most of which were from Poland and Hungary when I started out.
I joined several forums from other European countries to gain advice and knowledge.
Fellow photographers on these forums were very friendly and willing to help me.
On this site I hope to explain on what I learned in the early days and hopefully become a reference for anyone starting out with this great hobby.
I have made friends with some other distinguished contrail photographers along the way both from the UK and other parts of Europe ,their skills are truly astounding.
Some of them have agreed to write some articles on this site.
Here you will find some information about contrail spotting photography and radio/airband related articles.
The aim of the site is to assist anyone who may be thinking about starting out contrail spotting, setting up their own adsb monitoring station or get to grips with scanners, antennas & sdr radio.
I hope this site helps you.
Many Thanks for your visit.
Mike (radiostationx)
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